Sugar, was gold then. Yet an average European still consumes roughly 7 kg of sugar a year.
Starting in 15th century, Salvador and Bahia becomes the most influential corner of the world. In order to sustain the newly built sugar-cane plantations millions of slaves are brought over by the Portuguese to the region. This is also the birth of Candomblé, the Afro-Brazilian religion considered to be as Animism - the Soul of Nature.
To dream of seeing or eating sugar implies that you are prohibiting yourself from experiencing joy, happiness, and satisfaction.
To see a sugar cube in your dream indicates that you should enjoy life rather than being too strict.
What does it mean to be a sugar-slave in a modern world?
Am I a sugar-slave?
Of my past, of my needs, of my speed, of my thoughts, of my health, of my image.
I need a change. Every moment.
I need to create my god, my own cleansing ritual, to be safe in my own invisible circle. I can not wait.